About PugsleyTonks
What shall I tell you about PugsleyTonks?? Well, lets start with the obvious…its not my real name. Its a pseudonym that I use for several purposes. Its derived from the name of my two beloved dogs. I like all dogs (for the record, cats are OK too). But for whatever strange reason, I really like pugs. So, meet my pseudonym…
Pugsley Tonks
But together, they are PugsleyTonks…

Sadly, Pugsley has already gone off to that big doghouse in the sky. And, at the time of this writing, Tonks was over 12 years old…and that is in people years which makes him elderly in dog years. I have always been very close to my pugs, so I like to give them credit/blame for my antics whenever possible. Also, I figure its narcissistic enough to have a blog about myself and my travels. I do not need to make it worse by splashing my name and picture on the blog wherever I can. I assure you, my identity is not secret. Pictures of myself and family will definitely appear throughout the blog. But, when this blog goes big…I would rather PugsleyTonks take the credit.
As to the very little that I will share about myself. Back in my dreaded professional days, I did a fair amount of international travel. In fact, I think I have done enough international travel to last me a lifetime. I plan on dedicating the rest of my travel time to enjoying the good old USA. I want to travel the US in search of simple and unique travel experiences. Or, as I like to say…I like to pursue that little slice of Americana. I think its important to recognize that I reside in central Ohio. I do not have unlimited time or money. So, my posts may disproportionately favor things closer to Ohio. But, I assure you..I will put in some miles to cover a large portion of this great country. In summary, I am a simple man that appreciates the simple pleasures in life. When I am not working (which is often the case) or writing in my blog…I can often be found sitting in my La-Z-Boy with a pug on my lap, a PBR and bourbon on my table and enjoying my favorite TV program. OK, to be honest, I do have other pursuits in my life. But, who cares about me. This is not about me. Its about Traveling With PugsleyTonks. PT