All About the Sweets
Balancing My Blog
On rare occasion, I sometimes worry about the image that I project on this blog. Perhaps, I spend to much time talking about the oldest bar, and drinking PBR or bourbon. Furthermore, I continue my dark theme with all my posts on cemeteries and grave sites. So, in order to salvage my image, let’s clean things up for a change. How about this…let’s do a blog all about CANDY! Candy is happiness. Furthermore, candy is Americana. So, allow me to highlight 3 of the more unique sweet tooth experiences from all my blog travels.

Candy and Cactus…Cacti
When I do a Vegas trip, my goal is to line up as much non-gambling activity as possible. Of course, I gamble. But, I do not make the mistake of allotting time on a Vegas itinerary for gambling…its UNAVOIDABLE. So, to compensate, look for as much non-gambling activity as possible. This was the approach that led me and the Son of PT to Ethyl M Chocolates in Henderson, Nevada, just southeast of Vegas.

I am going to be honest on this one. The candy production line was a bit underwhelming. All you really do is walk along this 50′ glass wall where you can look in at a token aspect of their production process. You don’t actually get the “boots on the ground” feel. Actually, the whole point of the walk through is to funnel you into their gift shop. Furthermore, this was some of the most expensive chocolates that I have ever not purchased. Trust me, Carol did not get a gift of Ethyl M Chocolates upon my return. In fact, this place probably is not blog worthy if it was not for one fact…the Cactus Garden.

Yep, the cactus garden makes the visit worthwhile. According to Ethyl M, their cactus garden is “Nevada’s largest cactus garden and one of the most prolific collections of its kind.” The garden is about 3 acres and contains every kind of cactus indigenous to southwest USA. If you don’t have time to wonder off to the desert to find all the species of cacti, this is your place to get it done in about 20 minutes. It was a great desert walk. Supposedly, their Christmas lights are spectacular as well.
So, be sure to take a break from your gambling and go visit Ethyl M Chocolates. Not so much for the grossly expensive chocolates, but for the cactus garden.
Rebecca Ruth
Over a hundred years ago, in downtown Frankfort, Kentucky, two ladies started making some exceptional candy. These ladies were Rebecca Gooch and Ruth Booe…i.e. Rebecca Ruth Candy. Fairly early in this endeavor, Rebecca sold out and Ruth took over sole ownership. To this day, the successful Rebecca Ruth Candy Company is still operated by the Booe family in Frankfort. While they have received many accolades in the candy business, their main claim to fame was the invention of the Bourbon Ball!

As much as the Ethyl M tour is sterilized behind the glass, the Rebecca Ruth tour is quite the opposite. Its a small candy factory, but you get up close and personal. You can stand directly next to the production process as the candy interior is coated with chocolate…or as the worker expertly places the pecan on top…or best yet, you may catch them adding the 110% bourbon to make Bourbon Ball magic.

Apparently, broken or up side down pecans get placed on the bourbon ball fairly frequently. These defective balls get caught in QA and are separated from the line. After that, they package up the defective balls and sell them at a discount in the gift shop. Naturally, being the bargain shopper that I am, I bought a bag of defective bourbon balls. PT is always looking for a deal. However, Carol still managed to do some serious damage in their gift shop.

Bourbon Fudge Monks
While fudge may not be technically candy, this mission seemed to fit the spirit of the post. Anyway, my good friend, Goosebuster, told me about the Kentucky legend of the Bourbon Fudge Monks. Apparently, the Bourbon Fudge Monks are Trappist monks cloistered away in a monastery somewhere in the remote hills of Kentucky. In addition to prayers, vespers, mediation, and other spiritual pursuits, these monks give their service and pay the monastery bills by making bourbon laced fudge. Needless to say, I told Goosebuster…”you had me at Bourbon Fudge Monks”…and off we went.

Sadly, while the monks were friendly, they were not friendly enough to allow us to tour the fudge making process. Bourbon fudge making is off limits to non-Bourbon Fudge Monks. However, there is plenty sites worth seeing at the Abbey of Gethsemani. The abbey itself is beautiful. The grounds are meticulously maintained. All of these things are open to tourists as long as you keep your mouths shut…

So, rather than watching fudge manufacturing, we enjoyed walking around the Abbey, silently smiling at the monks, and stopping by the gift shop. Obviously, there was plenty of fudge to be had. Additionally, they were big on fruit cakes as well. I took plenty of fudge back to Carol. But, I avoided the fruit cake.

Wrap It Up
There you have it. See…I am capable of wholesome blog stories as well. Please ignore the fact that two of my candy stories involved bourbon. They we still technically stories all bout candy…and fudge. Anyway…have a wonderful day. PT
I hope you have enjoyed reading “All About The Sweets” on Traveling with PugsleyTonks.
Here was another blog mission to a different type of monastery
If you want to get your own defective bourbon balls, here you go