Banana Splits are Americana
A Great Moment in U.S. History
In the late 1800s, bananas became more readily available throughout the U.S.A. Then, in 1904, an young, apprentice pharmacist, named David Strickler, had an idea. David split a banana the long way and put the halves in a long, boat-shaped dish. Then, he put a scoop of vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry on the bananas. Next, he put toppings on the ice cream, along with some whip cream. Lastly, he topped it all off with a cherry. Thus, the banana split was invented. With the possible exception of apple pie, no other dessert is more of an American icon. Banana splits are Americana.

At the time of invention, the pharmacy was the Tassell Pharmacy in Latrobe, Pennsylvania. David Strickler was a soda jerk/apprentice pharmacist who worked at the soda fountain in Tassell’s. Beyond inventing the banana split, David also popularized the banana boat dish that he had custom made for this dessert. In a matter of a few years, the banana split success was country wide. Speaking of success, David completed his schooling, became a pharmacist, and eventually bought the pharmacy. Tassell Pharmacy then became Strickler’s Pharmacy.

Great Story, but…
That’s all well and good, but you can not get a banana split at Strickler’s Pharmacy. That Latrobe landmark is long gone. All that remains of Strickler’s is a bench and a banana split statue shown in a previous picture. But, fear not, PugsleyTonks has your back. Due to luck of birth, I know the location to acquire the best banana split in the U.S.A. If you want the best banana split in the U.S.A., you must travel to Tom’s Ice Cream Bowl in Zanesville, Ohio.
Zanesville’s Legacy
As any righteous Zanesville native knows, Zanesville is known for 3 things: pottery, the Y bridge, and Tom’s Ice Cream Bowl…

For the purposes of this post, my focus will be Tom’s Ice Cream Bowl. Tom’s has been a restaurant icon at this location in Zanesville since 1950. It is truly one of those “stepping back in time” places where the interior décor pretty much looks as it did in 1950. While the food is good (I recommend the fried bologna with a chili), it’s the ice cream that made Tom’s famous. They make their own ice cream, which is delicious. The counter has that classic soda fountain design. The portions are ample. Trust me on this, if you road trip to Tom’s, you will not be disappointed.

Just in case you can not see my banana split well enough in the picture above, allow me to zoom in…

Wrapping it up
There you have it…all you need to know about the banana split. First, David Strickler invented the banana split in 1904 at Tassell Pharmacy in Latrobe, Pennsylvania. Secondly, Tom’s Ice Cream Bowl in Zanesville, Ohio. currently serves the finest banana split currently available in the U.S.A. Tassell Pharmacy no longer exists. However, Tom’s Ice Cream Bowl is operating and more popular than ever. If you happen to be anywhere near Zanesville, Ohio, Tom’s is a most worthy road trip destination because banana splits are Americana. Have a wonderful day. PT
I hope you have enjoyed reading “Banana Splits are Americana” on Traveling with PugsleyTonks.
If you need another food history/road trip post, try this trip
If you want to road trip to Tom’s Ice Cream Bowl, here are the details
p.s. As a demonstration for my love of Tom’s Ice Cream Bowl, I offer this additional piece of personal information. I do not own many pieces of real art. Very occasionally, I acquire/commission art for the things that are most important to me. So far, I have a painting of Pugsley, a painting of Tonks, a painting of my favorite bar, and of course, a painting of Tom’s Ice Cream Bowl. As painted by a very talented, Zanesville artist, I give you Tom’s Ice Cream Bowl art…