Challenge #2
OK…it’s time for PugsleyTonks travel Challenge #2. There are two pictures below. This is also an integrity test. First, only look at the first picture…no peeking at the second picture yet. Based on the first…what state Capitol is featured in this picture. The only hint is that this is the second time this state has been in a post. Put your answer in the comment section at the very bottom…then make a sworn oath on whether your guess was made after the first picture or the second…
p.s. If you were one of the two people who were with me when this picture was taken….do not guess. This rule applies to this and all future Challenges.
Do not go past here unless you have admitted your failure to yourself and need another clue.
Seriously, play fair…have some courage and guess based on the first picture.
Fine…if you are reading this…hopefully you have already guessed. If not, here is the revealing clue. This picture was taken at the very same Capitol building. If you can not put the two clues together and get the right answer, then…well, never mind. I am not going to say anything bad about you. You probably have enough problems already. PT
I know where you are, but I’m not eligible.
As you we’re probably the picture taker…I thank you for your integrity. PT
Thank you for your correct guess Mrs. Martin…since you did not include the requested sworn oath…then we must assume it took you both pictures to get the correct guess. But, as you are the only one to answer correctly after 35 views…I thank you for you your willingness to find the comment section and put in an answer. PT
West Virginia!!
Nope. It does look like WV but it’s not. Use the big clue in pictures 2. PT