CHALLENGE – Famous Movie Settings
Name the Place and the Movie
It has been awhile since I have put out a CHALLENGE. So, since I was in the mood to play on my blog site, let’s try one on famous movie settings. All of these pictures were important locations used in very successful movies (i.e. nothing obscure). First, try to name the location. Then, if you are feeling your oats, go ahead and name the movie. Some help has been provided depending on the level of difficulty.
I have conveniently arranged them in increasing order of difficulty. And, for full transparency, two of the locations were sent to me by blog subscribers.
A Compelling Location
As this location is fairly easy, I will not help you with location. However, do you also know the late 1970s movie that featured this compelling site?

Raising the Difficulty
You may have a hard time identifying this location. In this movie of the 1990s, the movie lead stayed here for 28 years before moving to the south. Do you know the place?

Changing Hemispheres
As a rare exception on this blog, I decided to include an international contribution. This location is about as far away as we can get. But, this early 2000s movie(s) is inarguably one of the top 5 cinematic creations of all time.

Maximum Level of Difficulty
This last picture was sent by a Minor Public Official who has the noteworthy distinction to be the very first subscriber to my blog. As I owe him for that, I felt obligated to publish his picture. This southwestern setting has actually been the setting for many movies (especially westerns) in the last century. In this 1990s movie, the iconic character took 3 years, 2 months, 14 days, and 16 hours to get here

Time to take your Guess
OK, that’s enough for one post. Again, there are no small time movies here. So, stick to the big ones. PLEASE, PLEASE, put your guesses in the COMMENTS section below. DO NOT put them on Facebook…email me…or text me. Even though I am anti-social, that is not the reason that I ask this of you. I am just trying to generate more blog activity on my site. Answers will be revealed in a follow up post next week. Have a wonderful day. PT
Close Encounters of the Third Kind – Devil’s Tower (Wyoming)
Shawshank Redemption – Mansfield, OH
Lord of the Rings (probably Fellowship of the Ring) – Somewhere in New Zealand
Don’t know the last one, but it looks like a place I would like to visit some day
Is number one “Escape to Witch Mountain” ?
That would be a big no. I said famous movies. 🤪