Contact Traveling with PugsleyTonks
Thank you very much for visiting Traveling with PugsleyTonks. I hope you found the content to be entertaining, and perhaps informative. If you wish to contact Traveling with PugsleyTonks about something related to the blog, I would love to hear from you. Drop me an email at…
I will try to read all my emails promptly…and respond accordingly. In the unlikely event that I get boatloads of email, the emails will be addressed in this order of priority…
- Requests to sponsor my site – top priority. I will drop everything I am doing and return your email in the most professional and cooperative manner possible. (PBR…I know you are out there. Email me please)
- Positive or Constructive Comments – medium priority. I will respond as soon as practical. If you liked something…tell me about it. If I made a mistake (highly likely), please correct me. If you have ideas for improvement or even better…ideas for places that I need to go that are in the spirit of the blog…let me know
- Mean or negative Comments – not a priority. I will not respond. I will just delete it and wonder why there are such jerks, like you, in the world
Thanks again for visiting my blog. PT
Contact Traveling with PugsleyTonks