Traveling with PugsleyTonks

What is Traveling with PugsleyTonks all about?? My goal is the pursuit of that little slice of Americana. It's not big name or high-cost tourism. PugsleyTonks likes to find that diamond in the rough or go to the out of the way small town. I want to visit the oldest bar in every state with hopes that they serve some PBR on tap. Find that unique "ma-pa" restaurant with an interesting blue collar atmosphere and large portions to match. Or, perhaps its as simple as a little walkabout in the city to discover that strange little statue or other oddities. So, please come and join me in my search for Americana. Discover some obscure attraction or learn some useless information. All are welcome and its really just good, clean travel fun. PT


Druid Magic is Alive and Well

As my readers probably know, the famous Stonehenge is a pre-historic, circular rock arrangement in Wiltshire, England. Stonehenge’s construction occurred sometime between 2000-3000 B.C. Consequently, the true purpose of Stonehenge is uncertain. Due to some human remains, burial grounds are one likely function. Additionally, researchers surmise that some religious significance is likely. Theories abound involving druid ceremonies, solstice alignment, and other pagan related activities. In truth, they really do not know its purpose. So, how can we find out? First, stop wasting time in England, where all their crap is too old. Go to one of the new Stonehenges where things are fresh and easy to study. Just travel to Fountain City, Wisconsin. There you will find Kinstone, where druid magic is alive and well.

Kinstone Mission Statement: “Kinstone blends conscious care of Earth with art to form sacred spaces that invite and inspire people to connect with and experience the creative power of the land to transform, energize and revive the body, mind, and spirit.”

As I said, when you visit Kinstone in Wisconsin, there is no need for expensive archeologists to explain things to you. No, no. Rather, included with your $5 admission, you receive a nice FAQ sheet that reveals all the universal mysteries of Kinstone. Kinstone is a 30 acre haven to peace and beauty. The site is a modern megalithic park that includes stone circles, a dolmen, a labyrinth, and a chapel among other things. Further, the very well maintained landscaping makes this the most magical and meditative spot in the Mississippi river valley of Wisconsin.

Let’s give a little information on the “Great Stone Circle,” constructed in 2011. These 19 large slabs of granite range from about 7-27 feet tall, and about 3-17 tons. There are symbolic tokens buried beneath each of the great outer ring monoliths. I have no idea as to their symbolic purpose, but it sounds deep. Furthermore, prior to setting the slabs in the ground, the great Druid, Ivan McBeth, blessed each granite slab. Apparently, Druid McBeth has done about 16 of these great stone circles around the world before his passing in 2016. The Great Stone Circle represents wisdom, spirituality and new beginnings. Let’s face facts, I am not equipped to understand the deep meaningful stuff about the circle. You will have to click the link at the bottom and go to their site for true enlightenment.

Perhaps I could have appreciated the Great Stone Circle more if my wife, Carol, had not been so disruptive. This paragraph will only be understandable by people who know the television show, the “Outlander.” In the show, the lead female character, Claire, enters a stone circle, touches a monolith, and is transported back to the highlands of Scotland in 1745. Long story short…Claire meets this “really hot” highlander, named Jamie. They then fall hopelessly in love. They spend the rest of their lives having lots of gratuitous sex and going on dangerous, historically fictional adventures. As you can see from the photo above, my wife touched each of the 19 monoliths. Apparently, she was attempting ditch me and upgrade to a “really hot” highlander from 1745. Thankfully, Carol failed to unlock the teleportation magic.

Enough on the stone circle. This place has many other points of interest. Admittedly, I was a bit disappointed by the labyrinth. Even if you could not figure out the labyrinth, the walls were easy breeched. However, I miss the point as usual. Rather, the labyrinth is a sacred, contemplative space where you walk, meditate, and become more centered. Well, I will try better next time. Additionally, I learned what a dolmen is. By definition, a dolmen is simply a structure of at least two upright columns, with a capstone on top. On a deeper level, this dolmen was consecrated to the remembrance of our ancestors. So, I did stop and ponder my dead relatives. I am just not sure that the dolmen helped me that much.

Throughout the grounds, there are various chapels and structures for whatever purpose. I did find a petrified piece of wood that I thought was rather interesting. In one of the open air structures, there was a very nice polished stone table. Now, as far as I know, these people absolutely do NOT sacrifice any people and/or animals in their rituals. However, if they ever redirect down a darker path, this will be the table for sacrifices.

In fairness to Kinstone, while I may be too thick to experience the energy of their stones, the place is still worth visiting. It’s beautiful. It’s a great walk through a 30 acre park. This park contains many works of stone art and other interesting pieces. The landscaping and overall maintenance reflect very highly on the people involved. The area itself is located in a very scenic part of Wisconsin. And remember, it’s only an honor system $5 to enter. There are not many reasons to be near Fountain City, WI. However, if it happens, go visit Kinstone. At the least, its a great walk in the park. At the most, you will become more energized, centered and generally enlightened because druid magic is alive and well. Have a wonderful day. PT

Thank you for reading “Druid Magic is Alive and Well” on Traveling with PugsleyTonks.

Do not forget my first post on Stonehenge…

If you wish to learn more on Kinstone…

p.s. If you are a fan of the Marvel Universe movies, you know of their hidden snippets snuck into the ending credits. Here is my version of hidden snippets. As it turns out, the circular arrangement of strange objects to create “henges” is more common than you realize. I do not know what mysterious magic is generated from these “henges.” However, I really like them and photograph them whenever I encounter one. Please enjoy my current “henge” collection.