Early Voting is Underway
Introduction of the “Quick Hitter”
Probably because I have too much time on my hands…I am introducing a new blog post category. This new blog category will be known as a “Quick Hitter.” A Quick Hitter is something interesting and light hearted that I ran across in my travels. However, a Quick Hitter will be a much shorter than a normal post. Quick Hitters will occur randomly whenever I think to write one. So, for my inaugural Quick Hitter, let me remind you that Early Voting is Underway…
Thank You Mayor Wilbur
If you are an regular reader of this blog, you know of my love for the magical town of Rabbit Hash, Kentucky. Rabbit Hash has many redeeming qualities. But, its claim to fame is its mayoral election process. To ensure credibility of candidates, all humans are excluded. Furthermore, to be a lawful mayoral candidate, you must live within walking distance of the Rabbit Hash General Store…and you must be a dog.

Sadly, current incumbent, Mayor Wilbur, decided not to run for reelection. Therefore, I would like to take this opportunity to thank Mayor Wilbur for his hard work and leadership these past 4 years. But, the world rolls on. Early election for the November 2024 election is underway. My daughter, Liz the Chow, and I made the road trip to Rabbit Hash recently in order to participate in the pure democratic process that is the Rabbit Hash Mayoral Election.
Vote Early, Vote Often
To keep the election process in Rabbit Hash transparent, they have legitimized all of the traditionally questionable election practices. Anyone from anywhere can vote. Graft and corruption are encouraged. Furthermore, you can vote as often as you like. In order to vote, you only need to pay a dollar. One dollar equals one vote. Vote (pay) as much as you want. Stuffing the ballot boxes full of money is the entire point of the election…

As it may be difficult to see from the mayoral candidates from the picture, they are (from left to right)…Pablo (Golden Retriever), Maggie (Black Lab), Rosco (Basset Hound), Geoffrey (German Shepard), Opie (unknown), and Boone (Blue tick Coon Hound). Liz seemed to think the qualifications and floppy ears of Roscoe made him the candidate worth supporting. However, as there were no frenchies or pugs, I defaulted to another personal favorite, the coon hound. Be that as it may, the early results seem to be supporting an obvious favorite…

The early results seem to be establishing Pablo as the front runner. I have not met Pablo before, but I have met the current incumbent, Wilbur. Wilbur set a very high bar for mayoral excellence that I hope Pablo will be able to live up to. For the record, all proceeds from the election go to charity. Campaign funds going to charity??…rather than spending on annoying TV ads. The Mayoral Election in Rabbit Hash is the gold standard for the political election process. Have a wonderful day. PT
I hope you have enjoyed our first Quick Hitter…”Early Voting is Underway“…on Traveling with PugsleyTonks
Here is was a post on the Rabbit Hash Election in 2020 https://travelingwithpt.com/forget-biden-trump-its-about-wilbur/
Plan your visit to vote in Rabbit Hash https://rabbithash.com/
Sorry to hear Wilbur is not running. Even though I am a hunter and admire the strength and determination of the Blue Tick Coon Hound, I think the calm, down to earth (ears dragging the ground), steady determination of the Basset Hound is the best choice. I’m with Liz, vote Roscoe!
As duty bound, great Americans…I expect pictures in the near future of you and Kathy doing your civic duty and casting your vote in Rabbit Hash