Exotic Feline Rescue Center
Center Point, Indiana…you sure?
Have you ever been to Center Point, Indiana?…probably not. Center Point is about an hour east of Indianapolis with a population of about 250 people. This unincorporated village includes a couple churches, a hardware store, a post office, and, of course, a nearby Dollar General Store. But, it does have one unique establishment that most unincorporated villages of 250 people do not have. So, as it was Daddy-Daughter Blog Mission Day, I took my daughter, Liz the Chow, to Center Point to visit their Exotic Feline Rescue Center.

The Worst of Folks
Liz and I were quite surprised to find out that this place is the real deal. This is not just some childless cat lady with her half dozen domesticated felines. Rather, this facility is home to around 100 big and “small” felines. The big cats include lots of tigers, some cougars, a couple leopards, a black panther, and one big male lion. The little cats included lynx, bobcats, servals and something called a caracal.

But, let’s back up for a second. For all this to be possible, you first need one key component...IDIOTS!. None of these cats were purchased or bred here. They are all rescued from some pretty crappy situations. They come from circuses, magic shows, breeders, or just private people that wanted a unique pet. Well, guess what? That cute little 30 pound tiger cub can be over 200 pounds in a year. Yeah, not good unless your are trying to reduce your family size.
The Best of Folks
To counter all these idiots who wanted an exotic pet…there is Joe Taft…

Joe Taft is a big animal veterinarian that started this place in 1991. Furthermore, he actually lives on the site. But, due to the growing size of this place, its no longer a one man show. The EFRC now has an offsite, animal surgery facility. Furthermore, professional dental care is also provided to the cats. The black panther above, Thikon, was rescued from the infamous “Tiger King” in Florida. Thikon arrived pretty messed up. Joe got him the needed medical/dental care and personally nursed Thikon back health. To see Thikon rush over and affectionately greet Joe is quite the scene. EFRC rescued Max the tiger from a failed breeder. Max is the largest cat at the center.
Up Close and Personal
Liz and I visit the Columbus Zoo a lot. This ain’t no zoo. When I see big cats at the Columbus zoo, there is significant distance between you and the cats. Furthermore, the enclosures are very high end. You are never concerned about the cats getting anywhere near you…not true at EFRC. Its like taking a nature walk with a nearby wire fence separating you from a cat that could kill you…if it was not so well fed already.

Obviously, they tell you to stand several feet back from the fence, and do NOT stick your hand through the fence. Keeping back from the fence is particularly important with the small cats, as they can stick their paws through the fence if they really want to get you. Furthermore, these cats seem to interact with visitors much more than a zoo. The white tiger below clearly wanted to murder me. On several occasions, he jumped at me against the fence and on each occasion, I jumped the heck back. Its a big cat. He is 3 feet away through a chain link fence. The fence will probably hold. But, I am jumping back anyway.

Wrap It Up
Before I wrap it up, I feel like a have to show you just two more animal photos…

I felt like I had to mention Zeus. Zeus is currently their only lion at the Center. As Liz and I were walking about the park, Zeus often…and loudly,…roared his call for all to hear. It was the best lion serenade that we have ever heard. By the way, the center also had all sorts of foxes. Also, I read that there was a black bear that would be coming soon. Basically, if there is an animal in need…the EFRC is there for them.
As my last comments, allow me to emphasize the importance of this Center. This Center does NOT create the problem. IDIOTS throughout the USA create the problem when they decide to get a wild animal. These animals can not be returned to the wild. If not for this Center, these animals would be euthanized. Instead, the Center gives them a home, medical/dental care, proper food and plenty of love. So, do not give me any P.E.T.A. crap about caging wild animals or other animal cruelty dribble. Liz and I thoroughly evaluated this place and found that the Exotic Feline Rescue Center is a righteous place. And, it only costs $10 for the nature walk. Have a wonderful day. PT
I hope you have enjoyed reading “Exotic Feline Rescue Center” on Traveling with PugsleyTonks
Here was another Indiana animal habitat https://travelingwithpt.com/she-tastes-like-chicken/
If you wish to visit this wonderful place, her you go https://efrc.org/
Love this! They should do a documentary on this “Joe” to counter the Joe from Tiger King. This is the good “Joe” of the exotic animal world 🤍