I am adding a new category. The new category will be entitled for “Laughs & Giggles” (L&G). Its to be used occasionally when I have some random thought or picture that I wanted to share on the site. L&G posts will be short…but hopefully, mildly humorous or slightly informative.
As those of you that know me can attest, there is no bigger tree hugger, environmental activist, and climate change alarmist than PugsleyTonks. Additionally, I am an enthusiastic follower of the great climate change scientist, Bjorn Lomborg. I am a huge proponent of all the clean energy technologies like wind, solar, fracking, nuclear, and dilithium crystals. For these reasons, I wanted to wish you all a Happy Earth Day. And secondly, I will use this theme for the rest of the week, with particular emphasis on Friday….that is, Arbor Day for most of you that forgot.
So, without further ado…and just for L&G…I wanted to share this picture that I took on a local golf course. It demonstrates why we always say MOTHER Earth.
Its definitely MOTHER Nature