As you might have suspected, PugsleyTonks is not going to let this day pass without recognition. Usually, our posts focus on the attractions and points of interest that we visit during our travels. But, in honor of National Dog Day, I give you some behind the scenes photos as PugsleyTonks travels the nation to bring you the greatest slices of Americana.
We have spent a lot of time on the road. Travel safety begins with the travel jacket. Yes, we follow all seat beat laws. Sometimes we travel in civilized areas and the facilities are modern. But, sometimes we are deep in Appalachia and gotta do…what you gotta do do…
That’s a pug smiling. When the travel jacket gets put on…he knows its blog mission time Many trips back and forth to Florida…our favorite dog potty park at Exit 117 on I-75 in Georgia Capable of roughing it when necessary
Beyond car safety and personal hygiene, some of the challenges on the road can be of a more extreme nature. PugsleyTonks is not afraid to venture into questionable area to get that edgy blog post for his readers. But, on occasion, some self defense was needed to keep us safe…
Deep in the National Forest, we were attacked by some hoofed beast…Tonks quickly dispatched the threat Along the Gulf coast, interlopers tried to disturb our tranquility…Tonks told them to “get off my lawn (beach)”
Relax, its not all safety measures and danger when PugsleyTonks hits the road. Most times, our adventures make life worth living…
During the last total solar eclipse in 2017, we ventured to Bowling Green, KY, to get within the Zone of Totality . It was extremely hot while waiting for eclipse at our Command Post. The best dog beach ever visited is in Venice, FL. Shout out to my Dad, Ed
Just due to age and circumstances, Tonks has been the primary architect of this travel blog. Pugsley was several years older and passed away years before the travel blog was conceived. But, I will not let this day go by without a salute to my original soul mate. Love you too Pugsley…
One of young Pugsley’s few adventures…braving the rapids of the Myaka River with Tommy Dog Always a quiet, cerebral and wonderful soul…