I give you…MORTAR MAN!
I woke up on this very pleasant Saturday morning. Then, I sipped my morning coffee. I settled in to my well worn Lay-Z-Boy chair. Finally, I turned on the TV for some morning news. BAM! There was my mistake….the morning news. I am once again bombarded with depressing Covid news, police killing a handcuffed man, and concerned idiots burning down their own town. We need a break this morning…something simple….something easy….something wholesome…some whimsical…SO…..I give you Mortar Man!

If you have read some previous posts, you may remember that I like taking “walkabouts” in unfamiliar cities and its even better if its a scavenger hunt. On one fine chilly February morning, I found myself in Charleston, WV, with not much to do. I toured the Capitol and grounds…which was nice…would have been better if not under renovation. Then the highlight of the day…my scavenger hunt in search of Mortar Man. First a note of warning to my readers…pay attention to where you are in Charleston. Its not tough to find yourself in areas where you should not be wondering alone. Anyway, I left the Capitol building to a different area of town that was still on Capitol Street. I found the front facade of 108 Capitol Street, as seen above. At first glance, it just looks like another run of the mill law office. But wait….look closer….closer….

Thousands of people walk by Mortar Man every day and never know that he is spying on them. He is basically a 2-3 inch glob of mortar placed about 12 feet above the sidewalk, and tucked very quietly in the corner of that facade. Mortar Man is considered West Virginia’s smallest piece of public art. He was created about 35 years ago by sculptor Joseph Mullins, who is best known for designing the Veterans Memorial at the WV Capitol grounds. On a whim one day, Joe had a bit of left over mortar and some time to kill…next thing you know he created Mortar Man. Mortar Man has become quite popular. He even has his own Facebook page. I am not aware of any confirmed super powers for Mortar Man. But, he has come to represent the “little man in the world” or “champion of the working class.”
So, if you find yourself in Charleston, WV, with nothing to do. Walk over to 108 Capitol Street and pay your respects to Mortar Man. PT
Now that’s a worthy scavenger hunt!