Traveling with PugsleyTonks

What is Traveling with PugsleyTonks all about?? My goal is the pursuit of that little slice of Americana. It's not big name or high-cost tourism. PugsleyTonks likes to find that diamond in the rough or go to the out of the way small town. I want to visit the oldest bar in every state with hopes that they serve some PBR on tap. Find that unique "ma-pa" restaurant with an interesting blue collar atmosphere and large portions to match. Or, perhaps its as simple as a little walkabout in the city to discover that strange little statue or other oddities. So, please come and join me in my search for Americana. Discover some obscure attraction or learn some useless information. All are welcome and its really just good, clean travel fun. PT


It’s all about GATORLAND

I hate Orlando

As you travel about, you inevitably develop your most and least favorite cities to visit. For me, my least favorite city to visit is Orlando, Florida. First, it’s hot as heck and it’s not even on the coast. Two, there are toll roads everywhere within the city. If you venture out of your lodging…you pay a toll. Lastly, it’s the Disney factor. The Disney factor inflates all prices at every establishment. Jams all the roads. And, creates an over abundance of annoying children in all the public spaces. That said, I still end up visiting Orlando frequently. My beloved sister-in-law and her family live in this area. I never pass an opportunity to see my beloved sister-in-law. But, on my last visit, I discovered another reason to brave the evil Orlando. Forget Disney World, it’s all about GATORLAND.

Guest-gator Interaction

As you see from the pictures above, the first thing that strikes you in Gatorland is the sheer numbers and massive size. In your normal zoo experience, you see a half dozen gators asleep on the sand. You are not even sure they are all alive. Not at Gatorland, there are literally thousands of gators. They are all very active and very hungry. Also, the park feeds these beasts well. There are gators of all sizes, but it’s not uncommon to see some 12 foot plus residents. But, what I really liked about Gatorland was their willingness to encourage the guest-gator interaction. They allow gator feeding…

They give you a “fishing pole” with a wire at the end. You string a fish on the wire then dangle it over the gators. The goal is to torment the gator enough so he/she leaps out of the water to rip the fish off your wire. It was good, redneck fun.

More non-P.E.T.A. fun

If tormenting the gator by dangling food over the water is not enough for you, just sit on one. Seriously, they let you sit on a live gator. Not only that, you get to yank it’s head back so it’s really pissed. Further, this doesn’t come with the price of admission. Oh no. You get the honor of paying an extra fee to sit on the gator and piss him off. What could go wrong?

I’m not sure P.E.T.A. or guest safety is high on the list of concerns at this place. But, as I said, it’s good redneck fun.

Cooter and Bubba

If you do not wish to tease the gator on your own, you can always leave it to the experts. At Gatorland, the experts are Cooter and Bubba. Cooter and Bubba put on a show called the Gator Jumparoo Show. This show typically uses the really large gators that are the best jumpers. Basically, these highly trained, park associates feed the gators raw chickens. But, Cooter and Bubba do not bother with a fishing pole. Heck no. Cooter and Bubba feed the gators raw chicken from their hands. Further, they do not throw the chicken at the gator from a distance. Instead, they tease the gators until the beasts leap up and take the chicken directly from their hands.

Thankfully, Cooter and Bubba wear those protective black, it’s all OK.

And, the fun never stops

Beyond all the interactive fun, there are many other points of interest. My personal favorite was “Chester” the Big Dog Eater. Chester is a very large rescue gator that had a taste for neighborhood dogs. Rather than shoot Chester in the head, Gatorland rescued him and gave him a forever home. Chester does not like other gators either. So, Chester has his own place where he hangs out and remembers the good ‘ol days dining on the neighborhood dogs. Another great attraction is the albino gators. Supposedly, there are less than 10 albino gators in the world. Not surprisingly, most of them are right here in Gatorland

Beyond Chester and the albinos, Gatorland features other animals like capybara, snakes, flamingos, and gator riding egrets…

Wrap It Up

There a lots of cheesy gator shows throughout Florida. But, Gatorland is the king of them all. Gatorland is interesting, interactive and you could see someone lose a hand. My favorite thing to do in Orlando is to see my beloved sister-in-law. But, with Gatorland, I now have a close second. If you have to be in Orlando, do not bother with Disney World. It’s all about GATORLAND. Have a wonderful day. PT

I hope you have enjoyed “It’s all about GATORLAND” on Traveling with PugsleyTonks.

If you liked that cuddly animal story, try this one

Bag Disney World, plan your trip to Gatorland

p.s. Since I mentioned least favorite city to visit, I should mention my favorite. That would be Deadwood, South Dakota

One thought on “It’s all about GATORLAND

  • Ashley Beacom

    Love this post ! I want to go to Disney World and Gatorland!

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