Traveling with PugsleyTonks

What is Traveling with PugsleyTonks all about?? My goal is the pursuit of that little slice of Americana. It's not big name or high-cost tourism. PugsleyTonks likes to find that diamond in the rough or go to the out of the way small town. I want to visit the oldest bar in every state with hopes that they serve some PBR on tap. Find that unique "ma-pa" restaurant with an interesting blue collar atmosphere and large portions to match. Or, perhaps its as simple as a little walkabout in the city to discover that strange little statue or other oddities. So, please come and join me in my search for Americana. Discover some obscure attraction or learn some useless information. All are welcome and its really just good, clean travel fun. PT


My hunt for Parallel Universes

Now, if you have kept up with my posts, you know that I typically limit the experiences to the USA. But, that’s more of a guideline than a rule. So, what are we talking about…an international post? No, no, let’s think bigger. That’s right. I am talking about inter-dimensional post. Lets not be so naïve to believe that “ours” is the only reality. Let us consider the possibility that there are parallel universes out there somewhere. Open your mind as I take you on my hunt for parallel universes.

All right, if you are still reading, how do we find these parallel universes? Its one thing to think they exist. Its another to get there. So, I needed to do some research. And, when I say “research,” I usually mean watch something on TV and “do what they do.” In 1980, Hollywood released Altered States. The highly abridged plot was that some psychologist would combine psychotropic drugs with a sensory deprivation tank and VIOLA. He achieved an altered state…i.e. parallel universe. Quick side note…my wife does not let me take psychotropic drugs. So, I was cold sober for all these experiments. Anyway, this movie led to the rise of commercial spas specializing in floatation therapy. Now, everyone can attempt to find an altered state. There was no way PugsleyTonks was going to pass this up.

First, I offer the basics on the float tanks themselves. The spa people put you in your own small, private, lockable room. The room contains a small, people-sized, plastic tank filled with salt water. It looks like a giant clam. The water in one tank contains 1,000 pounds of Epsom salts. So, you WILL float. Next, most people then strip down to their birthday suit (thus, no selfies of PugsleyTonks). You can do it in a bathing suit as well, but I think the material on your skin lessens the sensory deprivation goal. Once you are in the tank, you close it up. When you do that, the lights go out in the room as well as within the tank. You see nothing. And, you hear nothing. You feel very little because the water matches your skin temperature. Just lay there for 60 minutes, meditate, and find another universe.

Well, we failed. No travel to a parallel universe was achieved. Perhaps it was the lack of psychotropic drugs. Or, perhaps is was my trepidations around water. I am not crazy about being in water. Consequently, there was some concern that I was going to fall asleep and drown myself. I believe it was this unlaying stress that prevented my mind for expanding beyond this universe. So, I needed a non-water approach to this heightened relaxation. Then, I heard about Himalayan salt mines…

Way back when, “they” started to see beneficial health effects in the miners working in the Himalayan salt mines. It was not all 15 hours of hard labor for criminally low wages in Pakistan…there were some good things too. Salt is naturally anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-inflammatory. Breathing in atmospheres jacked up with salt can reportedly improve immunity, help with asthma, and other respiratory benefits. But, more importantly, the salt is said to help with anxiety and depression. The heated salt creates airborne “negative ions” that can stimulate your serotonin release causing you to experience heightened relaxation and happiness. Ah ha! Are you thinking what I am thinking? Relax in the salt mine atmosphere, meditate, and discover a parallel universe…easy peasy.

As you might guess, PugsleyTonks’ budget does not allow for trips to Pakistan. Thankfully, as with float spas, commercial ventures popped up to bring the Himalayan salt mines to your neighborhood. So, without further ado, I give you the USA version of the Himalayan salt mines…

Now, see the photos above to understand the key elements of the salt cave. The walls of the chamber are lined with pink, Himalayan salt rocks imported from Pakistan. The floor is heated and covered in finer Himalayan salt. The ceiling looks like a big crinkled sheet with white Christmas lights scattered about. The orange glows (looks like fire) that you see in the picture are salt lamps . Apparently, they heat the salt and cause negative ions to be generated in the air. The pink lights going across the middle of the picture actually change color. Each color helps strengthen the seven major chakras of your body’s energy…or least I think that’s what she said. Lastly, you recline in these “zero gravity chairs” (also known as lawn chairs) and let it happen.

Your “halotherapy” session lasts for 45 minutes. The mistress of the salt cave walked us to our zero gravity chair. Then, she tucked us in with a nice warm blankie. She leaves the room and shuts the door. Finally, the lights go down and the quiet mood music begins. Now, you just relax and breath in the salt and negative ions. Allow your body to experience the benefits of the halotherapy. Well, I did all that. I tried to meditate my way to an out-of-body experience. And, I completely failed…just as I did in the float spa. This searching for parallel universes without psychotropic drugs is harder than it looks. But, I have to tip my hat to my wife. Within 5 minutes of the lights going down, she was snoring like a cave bear. As to whether she was actually in a parallel universe, that is somewhat in doubt.

I hope you have enjoyed my hunt for parallel universes. True, I was 0 for 2 in these instances. But, you need goals in your life. So, I will keep hunting for the right combination of activities to temporarily free my mind of our current reality. PT

Thank you for reading “My hunt for Parallel Universes” on Traveling with PugsleyTonks.

If you enjoyed that attempt to leave our really, here was a post on an earlier attempt

Here some specifics on the salt caves around Ohio

3 thoughts on “My hunt for Parallel Universes

  • There has to be something about your minds strength. Remember in college the hypnotist kicked you off stage. Parallel Universes must only be for the weak minded

    • Yes!!, the Amazing Kreskin. While most of me remembers that he failed to hypnotize me. A small part of my mind is worried his attempt was successful. I am still sitting in the Student Union. My entire adult life has been part of the act. Any moment I will awaken again in Wittenberg and you will all be laughing at me. Just a small part….PT

  • Tiddlywinks

    I couldn’t reach the altered mind/ relaxed body stage as I was much too focused on what kids sometimes do in the kiddie pools while I floated in the warm water.

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