Traveling with PugsleyTonks

What is Traveling with PugsleyTonks all about?? My goal is the pursuit of that little slice of Americana. It's not big name or high-cost tourism. PugsleyTonks likes to find that diamond in the rough or go to the out of the way small town. I want to visit the oldest bar in every state with hopes that they serve some PBR on tap. Find that unique "ma-pa" restaurant with an interesting blue collar atmosphere and large portions to match. Or, perhaps its as simple as a little walkabout in the city to discover that strange little statue or other oddities. So, please come and join me in my search for Americana. Discover some obscure attraction or learn some useless information. All are welcome and its really just good, clean travel fun. PT


Ode to the Hot Dog

July 20 – National Hot Dog Day

As most of you knew, July 20, 2022, was National Hot Dog Day. And, like most of you, I did not want this big day to pass without showing proper recognition and reverence to this most important holiday. But how? For myself, I decided to celebrate in typical PugsleyTonks style. I traveled to strange, far away places looking for the best hot dog. Actually, I was looking for the best hot dog drive-in. The hot dog is important, but I did not want to ignore ambiance. As luck would have it, I discovered that Huntington, WV, claims to be the Hot Dog Capital of West Virginia. Huntington is within easy striking range for PugsleyTonks. So, on National Hot Dog Day, I traveled to Huntington for my Ode to the Hot Dog.

Drive ins are Americana

All of the competing hot dog stands had a lot in common. Furthermore, their ambiances were all outstanding. They were all drive-in dives built in the 30s or 40s. And, I mean true drive-ins. There was no inside seating. Rather, you pull up your car, roll down your window, and get one of those trays attached to your window. Outstanding! However, there were a couple distinctions worth mentioning. Frostop claimed world’s best root beer. But, more importantly, the big root beer mug on the roof actually rotated. Wow! That is high end ambiance. Stewart’s has the impressive claim of being West Virginia’s oldest drive-in starting in 1932. These drive-ins were all high quality dives. It would be tough to declare a winner based on ambiance alone.

DO NOT forget the hot dog

As I mentioned, ambiance is important, but you still need to deliver the hot dog. Remarkably, every competitor was a disappointment when it came to delivering the goods. A picture tells a thousand tales…

Now, look at those sad entries. I could not even tell the difference between the first two. They both had same low quality dog and bun. Additionally, the meat sauce topping was run of the mill. Furthermore, there was no real way to junk it up other than cole slaw…which is NEVER going on my dog. At Stewart’s, I had the option of paying for a bigger dog. And, I could junk it up a bit, but that was 25 cents per item. The Stewart’s hot dog above is “loaded” with mustard, onions, and jalapeños. Look how stingy they were with toppings. You can not even see them under the dog.

As I have said before, I am always going to be honest with my readers if it suits my purpose. So, in all honesty, I am not going to advance a winner from Huntington. I loved the old school, drive-in ambiance. But, the hot dog effort prevented me from declaring a winner. However, do not despair. I will dig deeper…

Saved by Mr. Weenie

As luck would have it, my travels took me to Peru, Indiana, on the day following National Hot Dog Day. It was there that I discovered Mr. Weenie’s. This Peru icon had all the required ambiance…old school, drive-in dive with window trays. The ambiance clearly matched the evaluations of the Huntington hot dog stands. So, it all comes down to the hot dog…

The Drive-in Hot Dog Stand Winner – Mr. Weenie

There you go! That is what a quality hot dog looks like. Having a descent base dog is important, but it’s the toppings and options that is going to separate you from the pack. Mr. Weenie offered several topping options. Pictured above is the Chicago Dog at Mr. Weenie with pickles, peppers, relish, onions and mustard. Outstanding! So, it should come as no surprise that the winner of the 2022 Ode to the Hot Dog contest is Mr. Weenie of Peru, Indiana. Be sure to drive in to Mr. Weenie on your next trip to Peru.

Bonus Review

For this first, unlikely to be annual, Ode to the Hot Dog contest, I focused on the old school, drive-in, hot dog stands. But, I would be negligent in my duty if I did not remind you of other top hotdog establishment of the non drive-in variety. Of course, we must start with Hillbilly Hotdog in Lesage, WV. This hot dog establishment has already been the subject of a blog post (see link below). I consider this magical place to be at the forefront on the Mount Rushmore of the hot dog world. Also, in a completely self serving move, I will also give a shout out to my own local favorite here in central Ohio. If you want to find the best hot dog in central Ohio. hands down, it’s Dirty Frank’s Hotdog Palace in downtown Columbus…

At Dirty Frank’s Hotdog Palace, the hotdog options are many and the toppings are plentiful. It has a very good retro vibe in the dining room. But, you might want to come at non peak hours. It get quite crowded. Any chance that I get, I love taking my offspring to Dirty Frank’s Hotdog Palace…

Enough All Ready

Enough said. I hope your National Hot Dog Day was as productive and eventful as mine. Hot Dogs and hot dog drive-ins are a critical aspect of our Americana. I hope my Ode to the Hot Dog has motivated you to find the best hot dog establishment closest to your location. Have a wonderful day. PT

I hope you have enjoyed “Ode to the Hot Dog” on Traveling with PugsleyTonks

On the Mount Rushmore of hot dog establishments, Hillbilly Hotdog

If you want to check out Mr. Weenie in Peru, go here…

2 thoughts on “Ode to the Hot Dog

  • Clemson#1

    One of the great things about hot dogs are the regional variations and traditions. For example, a Seattle-type dog is served split one with cream cheese and grilled onions. Mustard and/or sirachi are acceptable, but no ketchup is not allowed. The best time to enjoy one is tailgating for Huskies or Seahawks games.

    • Ketchup on hot dogs should be an abomination anywhere in the USA!

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