Pre-Post Teaser – Asteroid Barreling Toward Earth!
Breaking News
Well, its not really breaking news. But, scientists are tracking an asteroid heading our way. Naturally, this has caused some degree of concern among sane human beings. But, rest assured, PugsleyTonks is on the job. Recently, I visited the astronomy department at a major university to get some breaking news on this potential extinction level event. Please…please…return to the blog this Saturday morning for the absolute latest news on this planetary risk…

Sure, you could make the argument that teasing a potential extinction level event is totally inappropriate. However, if it hits, the timing is several years away. So, whether I tell you my big news now…or this Saturday…it does not really matter to the likelihood of your continued existence. Just be sure to come back this Saturday and read about “The Asteroid and The Moist Towelette.” Have a wonderful day. PT