Pre-Post Teaser – Star Trek
“Boldly Go Where No Man Has Gone Before”
For the very few of you that might not know…this Sunday, September 8, is National Star Trek Day. This beloved holiday recognizes the original air date of the show in 1966. In honor of that holiday, I offer this Pre-Post Teaser today. Then, on Sunday, please return to the blog to hear about my greatest blog mission EVER.
Even if you are misguided enough not to appreciate Star Trek…you still know a little about it anyway. For example, anybody still breathing and thinking can recognize the iconic Captain’s chair on the bridge of the U.S.S. Enterprise…

Yes, I know. I know. Just the site of the Captain’s chair can give anyone goosebumps. So, with this bridge shot as our background, I give you today’s Pre-Post Teaser…
How could this iconic photo be even better…………????
Well, if you have not sensed it by now, this pre-post teaser is a bit different than previous teasers. Furthermore, I do not really expect you to answer the question. Feel free to make sarcastic comments, but I don’t need your answers. I have the best possible answer. And, I am willing to share it with you right now. The iconic photo would be even better if…
now, wait for it…
wait for it…
wait for it…

YES!!!! The iconic photo would be even better if…PT was Captain!!! That’s RIGHT!!! This is not photo shop or PT artificial intelligence. Amazingly, they let me Captain the U.S.S. Enterprise. It was the dream blog mission. But, that’s all you get for today. Remember, its called a “teaser.” So, please, please, please come back on Sunday…National Star Trek Day. At that time, I will tell this marvelous tale of the day I drove the U.S.S. Enterprise. Have a wonderful day. PT
p.s. I am too old for the “Make a Wish Foundation.” Therefore, this is NOT going to be a sad story of some big kid getting his final wish during his cancer trials. I am fine. So, this will be a happy story.