Pre-Post Teaser – Who is this guy?
High Degree of Difficulty…
I have given you a lot of easy pre-post teasers in recent history. Well, not this time. To get this teaser, you better bring your A game. This international figure passed away in the mid 1970s. I took my wife and friends to visit his US home located near Wheeling, West Virginia. He does not eat meat…nor consume alcohol…and only has sex for the purposes of procreation. If that’s not enough clues, I will even include a gold imprint of his feet to help you identify him. Enough said…
Who is this Guy???

Here is the golden feet print that I promised…

As always, please return to the blog this Saturday morning for the answer to my teaser. It was a particularly interesting blog mission that I am excited to share with my readers. In the unlikely event that you have an answer to the teaser, please put your answer in the COMMENTS section below this post. Have a wonderful day. PT
Some Hare Krishna guy
Kind of like saying ….. Tom Brady is just some football guy. Not acceptable. PT
A guy who roomed on the second floor played Risk and watched Letterman would say “a weird dude”