Traveling with PugsleyTonks

What is Traveling with PugsleyTonks all about?? My goal is the pursuit of that little slice of Americana. It's not big name or high-cost tourism. PugsleyTonks likes to find that diamond in the rough or go to the out of the way small town. I want to visit the oldest bar in every state with hopes that they serve some PBR on tap. Find that unique "ma-pa" restaurant with an interesting blue collar atmosphere and large portions to match. Or, perhaps its as simple as a little walkabout in the city to discover that strange little statue or other oddities. So, please come and join me in my search for Americana. Discover some obscure attraction or learn some useless information. All are welcome and its really just good, clean travel fun. PT


PugsleyTonks found the von Trapps

The Hills are Alive

Taken in 1937, the photo above shows the last known location of the famous Austrian, musical family, the von Trapps. As you probably know, the von Trapp family fled Nazi occupation of Austria in 1937. Wearing mostly shorts and carrying no supplies, they crossed over the Swiss alps. Clearly, a survival feat that would make Bear Grylls proud. Of course, this survivalist journey inspired the movie classic, The Sound of Music. Well, I have reluctantly watched this movie twice in my life. Once, when I was ten and did not know any better. Secondly, I watched it last week (mostly in fast forward) for research on this post. That was some painful research. Anyway, whatever happened to the von Trapps??? While the Nazis could not find them, PugsleyTonks found the von Trapps.

Back to Reality

WARNING!! My research may burst your Sound of Music bubble. While the von Trapps did leave Austria just before Nazi occupation, the Nazis were never actually in hot pursuit of the von Trapps. Shockingly, the family did not even walk over the alps. Rather, they publicly proclaimed that they were leaving Austria to sing in America. Then, they caught a train to Italy. Next, the family made their way to England. Finally, they took a boat to New York City. Sorry, it is not exactly the harrowing experience from the film. Ultimately, they found Vermont. It was in Vermont that the von Trapps decided to recreate some Austria in America.

Singers and Resort Managers too

So, in addition to their singing day job, the von Trapps started an Austrian flavored resort near Stowe, Vermont. It’s quite a nice property. The resort itself is in need of a bit of a refresh, but some may say that’s the historic Austrian charm. If you want modern, they also offer villas that looked much newer. Basically, any amenity and service that you would expect at a high end resort can be found at the von Trapp resort. However, it’s all about location, location, location. The place in dropped into the Vermont mountains. It’s absolutely beautiful in all directions. The grounds and gardens are well tended. The highlight of my walk-about was the hairy cows. The lowlight of my walk-about was the $10 fee that I had to pay to wander the grounds. Anyway, enjoy the sites for yourself…

My Personal Favorites

While the grounds and the cows were great, they were not my ultimate goal. Rather, this blog mission was about finding the von Trapps. So, if you want to find the von Trapps from the movie, you have to visit the von Trapp family cemetery. All the names that you know are still here. The cemetery is a beautifully maintained garden spot next to the main resort. Sadly, my $10 ground pass did not allow me to enter the cemetery. However, security at the cemetery was very light. I may have discretely and respectfully entered the cemetery to find the Captain and Maria.

George and Maria von Trapp R.I.P.

They are Austrian after all

So, after an afternoon of walking the hills, visiting the cows, sneaking into the cemetery, a blog traveler develops a thirst. Fear not, the von Trapps thought of it all. Their Austrian heritage is not just remembered in the architecture. No trip to the von Trapp is complete without a lengthy visit to the von Trapp Bierhall. They brew there own American version of their old Austrian favorites. Brewery tours are also available…at a price of course.

Wrap it up

So, that’s the story of how PugsleyTonks found the von Trapps. The resort is very nice. It’s very popular in the summer or winter. But, do not expect bargain prices. The von Trapp’s are no longer on the concert circuit, so they need your money to maintain their desired lifestyle. But, for me, my only cost was the $10 ground pass and a significantly higher tab at the brewery. Have a wonderful day. PT

I hope you have enjoyed “PugsleyTonks found the von Trapps” on Traveling with PugsleyTonks.

On another occasion, read about the time I found Hickory, Indiana

If you want to plan your trip to that little slice of Austria, here you go

One thought on “PugsleyTonks found the von Trapps

  • Very cool, thanks for sharing!

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