This is the first post in the category of “STATUES & ODDITIES.” I like starting off each category with a bit of a category explanation…even though, unless you are intellectually challenged…its kind of self-explanatory. I like statues. I search out the statues that I find interesting. And, who does not like random oddities. Oddities are fascinating little gems that typically bring the following question to mind…”why is this here? or why does this exist? or even more likely…why did I travel out of my way to get here.” Both statues and oddities are great targets for my walkabouts in new and strange areas. I like to walk and I like to create travel scavenger hunts. Statues and oddities are nice features in my scavenger hunts.
As a great example to start off this category, I offer up this featured photo. Its the Boy Scout Memorial located south of the White House at the 3 o’clock position on the lawn known as the Ellipse. I expect and hope there is a good and reasonable explanation for the figures in the memorial. But, I am sorry. Having a near-naked man standing behind the Boy Scout is not a good look. Perhaps a new statue or significant alteration is in order. Its definitely a statue, and without a doubt…a true oddity. Next time you are in DC, put this on your walk-about scavenger hunt list. PT
p.s. As always, I want to try to give credit where credit is due. If you want a website to search for your own scavenger hunt targets, there is no better site than for finding statues and many other oddities