Serious as a Heart Attack
First, thank you very much for this opportunity to be a Guest Author on Traveling with PugsleyTonks. I will be using the name Ouroboros. I share PugsleyTonks’ passion for traveling to out of the way attractions. As luck would have it, I recently completed a trip to Sin City. My misadventures In Las Vegas offered several appealing post topics. I told PugsleyTonks that I wanted to write about a FINE DINING experience. Furthermore, I must warn the innocent that this dining experience ended with a spanking. Not surprisingly, PugsleyTonks doubted that I was serious about my spanking warning. I assured him that I was serious as a Heart Attack.
>350 pounds eats for free
If you take a trip to Vegas, do not fail to spend time on Fremont Street. Fremont Street is where old Vegas thrives. If you are looking for unique Americana, look no further than Fremont Street. When it was time to find food, my search took me to the Heart Attack Grill. The Heart Attack Grill is not the place to find anything locally grown, organic, gluten free, or remotely healthy. In fact, the menu is devoid of green vegetables. Instead, the Heart Attack Grill is about meat, bacon, cheese, grease, cholesterol, calories, and unrepentant culinary bliss. The outside of the restaurant immediately sets the mood for the restaurant. Prior to entering, you can weigh yourself on the scales. If you are over 350 pounds, you are an honored guess and eat for FREE!
Trained Medical Professionals watch over you And, the dress code is a Hospital Gown
Please do not misunderstand me. Although the food may be dangerous to your health, there are safety measures in place. Specifically, from what I could tell, the restaurant uses trained medical professionals for the serving staff. Furthermore, all patrons wear medical gowns to expedite the response in the event of cardiac arrest. Therefore, you can dine at ease. If you encounter a blocked artery, you are already prepped and the medical staff is ready to respond. As to specific cause of your heart attack, the menu tells the tale…
The Triple Bypass Burger
Now, the approach to ordering is simple. The Heart Attack Grill has the Single Bypass burger as their lowest level offering. This burger is ONLY made with one half pound beef patty, plus your selected add ons. However, you have the option to expand your burger. Two patties are a Double Bypass. Then, three patties are a Triple Bypass etc etc. According to the menu and pictures in the restaurant, an Octuple Bypass burger exists. But sadly, I did not witness such a marvel. As to my restaurant experience, it was all good. Beyond massive portions, the food is also quite good. Furthermore, the service was prompt. The restaurant atmosphere was pleasant and featured lots of 80s music. Inspirational wall art and appropriate graffiti adorned the restaurant walls.
Now, if I had one minor complaint about the Heart Attack Grill, it would be their policy disclosure. Admittedly, in the spirit of the place, I ordered a bit too much food. No big deal…right? WRONG! If you fail to finish your food, one of the trained medical staffers administers your punishment. And, as I mentioned earlier, if you do not finish your food…you get spanked.
WARNING: Note from PugsleyTonks…I try to run a family blog. So, trust me that this clip contains no nudity, nor harsh language. However, Ouroboros is about to pay the price for not finishing his Triple Bypass burger. Think long and hard as to whether you really want to click on “play.”
Well, I hope you are still reading my post. The first two hits from that young lady were not so bad. However, after she switched paddles, the third hit really hurt and left a mark. Such is life at the Heart Attack Grill. The fun at the Heart Attack Grill never ends…not even when you go to the restroom. There is nothing politically correct at this grill. Consequently, the restrooms should be no exception…
The Men’s Room The Women’s Room
The pictures speak for themselves. So, I will demonstrate some rare wisdom and refrain from comment. I am pushing it enough with my video. I hope you have enjoyed my visit to the Heart Attack Grill, as much as I did. The place is not cheap, but it is certainly fun. But, please remember that when they tell you to finish your food…they are serious as a heart attack. Thanks for reading my first attempt at being a Guest Author. Ouroboros
Thank you for reading “Serious as a Heart Attack” on Traveling with PugsleyTonks.
If you liked that FINE DINING, remember this one
If you want to plan your visit to a Heart Attack Grill