The Best Fudge Comes from…
WARNING – Adult Content
I felt a little guilty about the heavy educational content in my last post on National Women’s Equality Day. So, I am making it up to you by publishing something completely noneducational and irrelevant. However, while I always strive to keep this blog PG-13, sometimes I push the limit. The blog you are about to read contains questionable planetary humor. Furthermore, this planetary humor may be considered crude and inappropriate by some. So, if you are a stick in the mud, please read no further…but please continue to support my blog in the future.
Back to the Fudge
If you are anywhere near St. Roberts, Missouri, or Anderson, Indiana, you can not help but see the billboard bombardment. I have a special place in my heart for businesses that do most of their marketing via billboards. Billboards are Americana roadside art.

Now, normally I try to complete a set before I present a post to you. However, this one was too good to wait. I have not been to the St. Roberts, MO, location, butt I have been to the Anderson, IN, location of the Uranus Fudge Factory. If you go there, it will not take you long to catch on to their planetary humor. Their main tag line is...”the best fudge comes from Uranus.” Furthermore, as many of you know, my wife, Carol is demanding woman that needs the finest in clothes, jewelry, chocolates and fudge. Therefore, I ventured to Anderson, IN, to see if indeed the best fudge comes from Uranus.
Welcome to Uranus
Upon arrival, the Uranus Fudge Factory gives you the impression of the quaint, country fudge shop that your grandmother used to love.

Butt, it did not take long for my 9th grade English teacher and me to realize that we were in for a unique shopping experience. You can start to see the planetary puns as soon as you walk into the shop. Butt, it all really hits you when the pleasant young lady behind the counter looks up at you, smiles and says…”thank you for coming in Uranus.” Well, alrighty now…there is now no doubt as to the theme of this shop.
Let the Planetary Puns Fly
The staff’s love of planetary puns goes far beyond the initial greeting. If you exchange any pleasantry…or ask them a question…they are going to talk about Uranus. It never stops. You find yourself getting into the spirit and trying to fire back your own phrases about Uranus. Rather than trying to regurgitate an assortment of their planetary puns, allow me to offer a photo montage of their signage and merchandise

It’s a General Store. So there is no end to the the general and random items that still maintain the shop theme…

Please bear with me, here are the last two planetary pun photos…

Did I at least buy some fudge?
Absolutely, there is no way that I would ever show my face at home without ample fudge gifts. The fudge was quite good. There were many assorted flavors. Naturally, when I was at the counter, the lady asked me…”how would I like my fudge packed?” I told her the normal way would be fine. We then left the shop. Made a quick stop at the kids play area in the back. Then, departed Uranus knowing that we would never look upon a fudge shop that same way ever again.

One Last Apology
Remember, this post started with an appropriate warning about the adult, planetary humor. So, I hope no one was offended by the humor. If you were offended, I promise to do tame posts for awhile in order to make it up to you. If you were not offended, remember that the best fudge comes from Uranus with locations in St. Roberts, MO, as well as Anderson, IN. Visit for yourself and have some fun in Uranus. Have a wonderful day. PT
I hope you have tolerated reading “The Best Fudge Comes from…” on Traveling with PugsleyTonks.
This is not the first time that I have risked offending my readership…
Want to probe Uranus even deeper? Here is their web site…