The Loss of a Loved One
Circle of Life
Dealing with grief from the loss of a loved one is the toughest ordeal most of us will ever face. Furthermore, even the loss of a beloved pet can feel like a major part of you has died. However, we also must not overlook yet another extremely tight emotional bond. That special bond would be between a man and his La-Z-Boy chair.

Let’s face it. My La-Z-Boy chair in our family room probably makes the best argument for being the center of my personnel universe. Just look at the pictures above. The La-Z-Boy is where I watch far too much television. I will be there for today’s Super Bowl. It’s the main gathering point for the love of my doggie friends. The chair is well acquainted with my beloved three TV remotes and my special pug coffee mug. To be honest, my devoted chair was showing some subtle signs of aging. However, I thought that my duct tape renovation resolved most of the chair’s signs of aging. Tragically, my wife, Carol, seemed not to care for the black duct tape as much as me. Thus, the downfall began…
The Memories
As I was gathering pictures for this tribute, I was surprised by how few photos that I had of my beloved chair. But, I guess it makes sense. I take most of the family pictures. So, as I look back at past holidays, all the photos are taken by me in that chair. However, a few precious memories managed to be captured.

In the beginning, it was just chair, Pugsley and me. Then, there was the unauthorized purchase of the Tonks. Tonks crowded up the chair a bit, but we learned to love him. Over the years, new generations brought fresh faces into our inner circle.

Baby Liz the Chow, was welcome visitor to the Laz-Z-Boy circle of love. In the final months of my chair’s existence, our newest family member, Bella, was the Queen of the La-Z-Boy. Bella thought the duct tape was quite well done. My emotional memories of my chair even extend beyond my canine loved ones. The only humans that I have ever voluntarily yielded my La-Z-Boy over to are my Mom and Dad…

Time Marches On
Let the record show that this is the first post that I have written while tearing up. Anyway, eventually time catches up to us all. Carol (she’s the villain in this post) declared that my chair’s leather was destroyed and far to many optional parts have fallen out of it. To further hasten my chair’s demise, our La-Z-Boy dealer was having a 30% off sale on all new chairs. So, on a recent, sad Sunday afternoon, I was force marched off to the dealership. With an empty heart, I sat in uncounted La-Z-Boy chair options. Obviously, my choice was made with no love. But, the chair was comfortable. I guess I have no choice but to give it a chance…

The loss of a loved one is tough stuff. But, the time has come. Rest in Peace my beloved La-Z-Boy. The La-Z-Boy is dead…long live the La-Z-Boy. Let the new memories start now.
Enjoy your Super Bowl Sunday and have a wonderful day. PT
I hope you have enjoyed reading “The Loss of a Loved One” on Traveling with PugsleyTonks.
If you liked this tribute, here was my last one
If you need to buy your own La-Z-Boy, here you go
Change is hard but I’m sure you’ll persevere
Ahh…the march of time cannot be stopped. Too bad I can’t post a pic…I too have picture memories of you and PT in the chair; even some of young Mike & Alice hanging with you.
But with all this said, I have to side with Carol on this one. When you reach the decision point on whether to repair the seat cushion with black electrical tape or get the new recliner, you have to go “in with the new”.
My condolences on your loss.
Sorry for your loss, and hope you can find comfort in your new chair and the memories that will come with it.