The Temple of Tolerance!
OK, here’s one that I am sure none of you have visited…accept the reader that was with me at the time. This is one of my favorite examples of strange Americana that you can only find in Smalltown, USA. So, have you been watching too much news these days? Are you feeling stress from all the violence, hate and intolerance that seems so pervasive in our country? If so, I have the prescription for what ails you. You must travel to Wapakoneta, OH, and meditate your dysfunction away at The Temple of Tolerance!

Before I get too existential, lets review the basic earthly facts. This place is wild. The temple is a massive rock garden in the back yard of creator, Jim Bowsher. I literally mean…its Mr. Bowsher’s back yard. This is not a park. Furthermore, there is no admission. You park in front of Mr. Bowsher’s house…walk down his driveway…pass by his back porch…then enter the Temple in his back yard. So, if you decide to do this, be prepared to talk to Mr. Bowsher, as we did on our visit. He still lives there and loves to talk to all the visitors. I suppose that’s a good thing since he says its open 24/7 to everyone. Additionally, its actually more than one back yard. Somehow, he acquired most of the backyards on this residential block. Then, over 25 years, he built this Temple for the betterment of all mankind, womankind, theykind…whatever.

Mr. Bowsher is the classic aging hippie (he would agree). Mr. Bowsher says that this is a place where everyone belongs and everyone is accepted. You come here to meditate away your intolerance…learn to love your fellow man. I was quite successful with all these tasks during my visit. Now you know how I got to be such an open, tolerant and giving soul. To me, Mr. Bowsher is the most interesting of living paradoxes. The Temple has this “disorganized organization” that is hard to describe…you must visit. He has actually photographed and cataloged each and every rock in the Temple. He even has famous rocks. There is a slab from a bank counter once robbed by John Dillinger…a rock from Woodstock of course….and even a slab that was formerly the front step of the KKK headquarters in Wapakoneta.

There you go. No more excuses for the hate in your soul….cleanse it. Visit the Temple of Tolerance in Wapakoneta, OH. You can talk to Mr. Bowsher and get yourself right. Be safe and love…..PT
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