Traveling with PugsleyTonks

What is Traveling with PugsleyTonks all about?? My goal is the pursuit of that little slice of Americana. It's not big name or high-cost tourism. PugsleyTonks likes to find that diamond in the rough or go to the out of the way small town. I want to visit the oldest bar in every state with hopes that they serve some PBR on tap. Find that unique "ma-pa" restaurant with an interesting blue collar atmosphere and large portions to match. Or, perhaps its as simple as a little walkabout in the city to discover that strange little statue or other oddities. So, please come and join me in my search for Americana. Discover some obscure attraction or learn some useless information. All are welcome and its really just good, clean travel fun. PT


Tony Packo’s – Toledo’s Finest

Being Nice to Toledo

In the early 1800s, as compensation for Ohio getting Toledo from Michigan, U.S. President, Andrew Jackson, gave the upper peninsula to Michigan. In a recent post, I commented that I would much rather have the upper peninsula than Toledo. So, to make amends for my insult to Toledo, I wanted do a feature about something nice in Toledo. Well, doing something “nice in Toledo” really narrows down my options. However, after some due diligence, I found a landmark Toledo restaurant, worthy of my Fine Dining designation. I give you Tony Packo’s – Toledo’s Finest.

The story of Tony Packo’s is the classic story of the American Dream. In 1932, this Hungarian immigrant and his wife started a small sandwich and ice cream shop on Toledo’s east side. Tony’s signature dish was the Hungarian Hot Dog. The success of the Hungarian Dog drove his expansion thus resulting in the purchase of his original building shown in the picture above. Tony Packo’s is a must stop for any culinary tour of Toledo.

It’s never just the food

If you have paid attention to my FINE DINING features in the past, you know it’s not just about the food. Sure, the food needs to be interesting, tasty and plentiful. However, that’s not enough. The establishment needs to also be unique and quirky outside of the food. And, beyond a shadow of a doubt, Tony Packo’s has that covered.

In 1972, Burt Reynolds was dining at Tony Packos and signed a bun as a sign of appreciation for his meal. The autographing of a bun was the beginning of a huge tradition that continues to this day. However, Tony discovered a problem with his bun signing tradition. The real buns eventually disintegrate to nothing. Therefore, at some point, Tony Packo’s switched to fake foam buns in order to preserve the autographs indefinitely. The Burt Reynolds autograph above is one the foam buns (i.e. not the disintegrated original). There are only two autographs left that are actually on reals buns. The final two real buns are the Jimmy Carter and Walter Mondale buns above.

Bun Signing Got Big

For reasons that we not exactly clear to me, virtually every famous person that I have ever heard of has eaten at Tony Packo’s and signed a bun. There are thousands of bun autographs in the restaurant. If you have not signed a bun, you are not that big of a deal…

From Obama to Trump to Mr. T, it’s a Who’s Who of fame.

I will spare you from a thousand more bun photos. But, trust me, if you are famous…you have a bun on the wall of Tony Packo’s.


We all know how huge the M*A*S*H television show was in the 1970/80s. As you should also know, the character of Maxwell Klinger was played by beloved Toledo native, Jamie Farr. Naturally, Jamie Farr was a big fan of Tony Packo’s. Furthermore, Jamie Farr had enough influence on the show writers to give Tony Packo’s one of the greatest endorsements in TV history. In a 1976 episode, Maxwell Klinger uttered this line…”“If you are ever in Toledo, Ohio, on the Hungarian side of town, Tony Packo’s got the greatest Hungarian hot dogs.” 

There were multiple episodes of M*A*S*H that referenced Tony Packo’s. In another episode, Tony Packo’s air shipped sausage casings out to the M*A*S*H unit to be used as a substitute for a human artery. M*A*S*H was huge. Consequently, these plugs had an enormous positive impact on the popularity of Tony Packo’s.

One Last Bun

A few year’s back, Tony Packo’s decided to set the record for the largest Chicken Dance. The Guinness World Book of Records folks were on site to certify the accomplishment. The Guinness people not only certified the Chicken Dance record, they also enjoyed the cuisine and signed a bun.

Wrap It Up

Not just any restaurant can earn my designation of FINE DINING. But, when you have authentic Hungarian ambiance, the Hungarian Dog, an enormous bun-autograph collection, a M*A*S*H connection, and a Chicken Dance World Record…what more can I say. Tony Packo’s is the real deal in Fine Dining. Be sure to include Tony Packo’s – Toledo’s Finest on your next trip to the city. Have a wonderful day. PT

I hope you have enjoyed “Tony Packo’s – Toledo’s Finest” on Traveling with PugsleyTonks.

If you need more posts on hot dogs…

Plan your visit to Tony Packo’s here…