Traveling with PugsleyTonks

What is Traveling with PugsleyTonks all about?? My goal is the pursuit of that little slice of Americana. It's not big name or high-cost tourism. PugsleyTonks likes to find that diamond in the rough or go to the out of the way small town. I want to visit the oldest bar in every state with hopes that they serve some PBR on tap. Find that unique "ma-pa" restaurant with an interesting blue collar atmosphere and large portions to match. Or, perhaps its as simple as a little walkabout in the city to discover that strange little statue or other oddities. So, please come and join me in my search for Americana. Discover some obscure attraction or learn some useless information. All are welcome and its really just good, clean travel fun. PT


Troll Museum of course

I said in an earlier post that all things have their museum. So, why not a Troll Museum of course. Before beginning this historical overview of trolls, I want to be clear that there are real trolls in the wild and there are troll dolls. I am going to discuss both in this post…mostly troll dolls. But, I may use the word “troll” to refer to both subjects. So, stay alert and don’t get confused.

First, let me offer a bit of history on trolls…the real kind in the wild. Trolls are mostly indigenous to the Scandinavian region. And, Scandinavian lore has described these beings for hundreds of years. Trolls tend to live in the more remote rocky or mountainous areas. Their appearance is quite varied. They may be 15′ tall…they may be a few inches. The may be ugly…or they may resemble humans. Generally speaking, trolls are not friendly or helpful towards humans. Now, probably for some mystical or anthropological reason, its most difficult to get a picture of a real troll in the wild…kind of like Big Foot I suppose. But, for some reason, we can capture their likeness in troll dolls. So, where can we look at all the thousands of troll dolls in order to learn more about trolls…a Troll Museum of course.

OK, if you think you are inclined at all to enjoy a place such as this…go visit the Troll Hole Museum in Alliance, Ohio. Our visit far exceeded my expectations for this blog mission. I figured it would just be some typical gift shop with lots of trolls for your purchase. Well, its is that. Plus, it also has a nice coffee shop. And lastly (and most importantly), its has a troll museum. I am talking about a serious place of learning. For a nominal fee, a highly informed tour guide will take you up the steps and introduce you to the world of trolls. Through the collection of troll dolls, you will learn everything there is to learn about trolls. The guided museum tour took over an hour…and we enjoyed every minute.

First, I feel obligated to give the basics on troll collecting. Troll dolls hit their heyday in the 1960s. Mostly because of Thomas Damm, a Danish bricklayer and fisherman. His trolls are what I consider the classic troll doll. Playing on his name a bit, Damm marketed his trolls as “Dam Things.” Not surprisingly, these trolls are the most highly sought after collector dolls. Authentic ones have glass eyes, real wool hair…or just look for Dam Things pressed into the underside of their left foot. There were several other troll doll manufacturers. And, there has been decades of copyright battles as to who is rightful owner of troll doll image. Ultimately, Dreamworks Animation settled all copyright controversy. Dreamworks used their many millions of dollars to buy all troll rights for their current and successful troll movie series.

Regardless of the manufacturer, the Troll Hole Museum has them all. In fact, the Troll Hole Museum holds the Guinness World Book of Records for the largest troll collection at 8,379. That’s the total at time of certification…its higher now. And, Sherry Groom is the passionate Troll Hole Museum owner and collector that bought all of this to Alliance, Ohio. Now, I will not ruin this post by boring you with the technical aspects of collecting. Nope, I will just show you the fun of the Troll Hole Museum through my limited photographic skills…

Now, its not all big scary trolls. Not at all. Much of the museum is just good plain fun…

OK, I will stop there. There are probably some no fun humans out there that get tired of troll pictures. But, do not despair. PugsleyTonks is planning a future post with more trolls. I said trolls are difficult to spot and photograph in the wild. Difficult, but not impossible. My wife and I have scheduled the Great Troll Hunt of 2020 (hunting with camera, not assault rifles). If we survive, look for that post in the not too distant future. Meanwhile, you can just enjoy the Troll Hole Museum. The place to go in Alliance, Ohio, for all things troll. PT

Thank you for reading Troll Museum of course on Traveling with PugsleyTonks

Thanks to the Troll Hole Museum for a wonderful and educational blog mission

Since you are in Alliance, Ohio, for the trolls…you may also like this post:

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