Traveling with PugsleyTonks

What is Traveling with PugsleyTonks all about?? My goal is the pursuit of that little slice of Americana. It's not big name or high-cost tourism. PugsleyTonks likes to find that diamond in the rough or go to the out of the way small town. I want to visit the oldest bar in every state with hopes that they serve some PBR on tap. Find that unique "ma-pa" restaurant with an interesting blue collar atmosphere and large portions to match. Or, perhaps its as simple as a little walkabout in the city to discover that strange little statue or other oddities. So, please come and join me in my search for Americana. Discover some obscure attraction or learn some useless information. All are welcome and its really just good, clean travel fun. PT


Waldo, its all about the Bologna

If you look up Waldo, Ohio, on Wikipedia, you do not get much. Initially, you learn the town was named after Waldo Pettibone. Additionally, the town has a population of about 350. Finally, they have a post office that has been in operation since 1847. That’s about all Wikipedia has to offer. So, no need to ever visit or even think about Waldo ever again. But wait, in the words of the great Paul Harvey, “stand by for the rest of the story.” PugsleyTonks can do better than Wikipedia. I have been a repeat visitor to Waldo, OH. I assure you its not for the old post office. When I go to Waldo, its all about the Bologna.

The post office is not the most significant establishment in Waldo. Rather, its the G&R Tavern. This heavily, blue collar tavern has been in operation for nearly 60 years. Not surprisingly, you do not stay in business in Waldo for 60 years without doing something right. And, the G&R bologna sandwich is that something right. To emphasize, the fame of this bologna sandwich is not just a local thing. On July 10, 2012, the Chicago Tribune featured an article on the G&R bologna sandwich. I saw it on the wall. Google it if you are skeptical. On, the critics rated the G&R bologna sandwich as…”Legendary — worth driving from anyplace.” The sign on the the side of the tavern speaks the truth.

Describing culinary delights is not a strong suit of mine. So, I am not going to be able to do justice to the reasons this meal is so road trip worthy. Its a smoky beef/pork bologna fried on the grill and topped with cheese, onions and pickles. Sorry, that’s all I know. Do NOT embarrass yourself by asking for special requests on the sandwich. These are friendly, humble folk, but they do have their limits. Since I can not explain the success of the sandwich, you have but one choice. Get in your car and drive to Waldo. As for the tavern in general, the place is comfortable…the people are friendly…and the PBR is cold.

Despite what you may think from the picture, the place was crowded for lunch. There was a waiting list for tables. Preferably, you will want to show up outside the typical lunch rush hours. Bring cash. Yep, the good folks at the G&R do NOT want your plastic money. So, I know some of you may turn up your snooty noses at fried bologna sandwiches. But, for you open minded, more worldly types, you are going to need to road trip to Waldo, its all about the Bologna. PT

I hope you have enjoyed reading “Waldo, its all about the Bologna” on Traveling with PugsleyTonks.

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If you want to plan your road trip to the G&R, here you go

3 thoughts on “Waldo, its all about the Bologna

  • Anonymous

    Now that is my kind of eatery with what looks like a nice hometown atmosphere. Are you sure you didn’t bring your own PBR? That is Amy’s go to sandwich and to think it’s that close to home. Thanks

  • Philly Mike

    It’s a classic. Worth the trip as you can almost see Nowhere from there.


    Too damn nice. Can you obtain a side of mayo, and can you get it after 1:00 a.m?

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