Traveling with PugsleyTonks

What is Traveling with PugsleyTonks all about?? My goal is the pursuit of that little slice of Americana. It's not big name or high-cost tourism. PugsleyTonks likes to find that diamond in the rough or go to the out of the way small town. I want to visit the oldest bar in every state with hopes that they serve some PBR on tap. Find that unique "ma-pa" restaurant with an interesting blue collar atmosphere and large portions to match. Or, perhaps its as simple as a little walkabout in the city to discover that strange little statue or other oddities. So, please come and join me in my search for Americana. Discover some obscure attraction or learn some useless information. All are welcome and its really just good, clean travel fun. PT



As you might have figured out by now, I like to plan travel. But, as much as I like to PLAN travel, I like surprises even more. Those small little tourist artifacts that you did not know anything about. You were just traveling along…and BAM…an unplanned, unexpected, and previously unknown oddity. There was no better example of this than the World’s Largest Popcorn Ball. I was traveling somewhere across Iowa when I suddenly saw a sign to turn left because the World’s Largest Popcorn Ball was just 2 short miles away. Admittedly, my nervous passenger wife screamed when I almost wrecked the car to take a hard left to pursue this travel gold. But, the risk was worth the reward when I pulled into the town of Sac City, Iowa, to see the World’s Largest Popcorn Ball.

I am not sure there is actually a busy season to see the popcorn ball in Sac City, IA, but my anti-social tendencies were quite pleased to have the attraction to myself. What can you say about a giant popcorn ball? It was only created a few years ago…I have no idea why. It’s about 12 feet wide and 9,000 pounds. They have erected a building around it and its available for your viewing pleasure 24 hours a day, 365 days per year. Next time you are passing near Sac City, Iowa, do not miss this tourism diamond in the rough which defines my search of a little slice of Americana. PT

World’s Largest Popcorn Ball